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Showing posts with the label LEGO mini figure

Your head now can printed 3D, for your very own LEGO toys

remember when you were little and they were playing with LEGO toys all day and night? Sigh. This was the life. Who does not remember the yellow faces of people and all the adventure that you built for you? You could stay for hours of content. Well, now you can experience their childhood, but this time you can actually be a part of the LEGO toys' world.  This Etsy store Funly3DFaces , adapt your own head fit on a LEGO mini figure. Spirit blown. That is correct. For $30, you can now do your own LEGO mini figure together with all your friends.            etsy The Online Store requires two photos of the head that you would like to be made. On a straight shot and a profile. They then take the photos and then convert in 3D with a full-color 3D printer.