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He said his wife, the pit bull would have to go. Then the dog does this. Incredible!

Dogs can be fiercely loyal when it comes to the care of their human families. Just as I love my dog, I know that he loves me just as much. I know that he would do everything to defend myself and look forward to me, just as the hero Dog rescued his owner.  So when I saw this beautiful story about the connection between a pit bull and a young girl, I was absolutely moves. This story has been circulating the Internet for years. A father is concerned that the family pit bull is dangerous to his extremely young daughter. He warns his wife, the dog will be away at the first sign of trouble. But if he is to see what the dog not? He discovered a whole new meaning to the concept of  "the best friend of the people" . Read this beautiful touching story below and let us know what you think in the comments. Spock The Dog My wife and I in the possession of two dogs that we had before we met and brought her into the marriage. Your dog was a Pit Bull/Labrador cross ...