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Showing posts with the label hello song

Justin Bieber named as first singles artist to top the charts in 2016 after losing out on Christmas number one

Justin Be his other songs Sorry and What Do You Mean have been placed at number two and four respectively. The star dominated the Official Singles Chart in the run-up to Christmas but urged fans to support the Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir’s song A Bridge Over You for top spot.

Adele Announces North American tour dates for 2016

Adele is coming to a city near you. The 27-year-old "hello" Singer's record label announced Monday, returning to North America for their first tour in five years. The first North American concert is scheduled for July 5 in the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the last show is planned for Nov. 15 at the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City. Tickets go on sale Dec 17 10:00 pm local time on their official website . If Adele last went on tour in 2011, many concerts were canceled and delayed, since they fought laryngitis, an infection of the breast area and a vocal cord hemorrhage. The latter requires surgery and eventually forced to the "Skyfall" singer to cancel 16 their shows in the United States and the United Kingdom The Grammy winner said Rolling Stone at the beginning of November, it was giving up until Christmas to decide whether you re on the way. "If I sat and thought: "What can I do to add anything new to the table?"...