traffic cameras is not usually an interesting photographs, but sometimes happiness. Such was the case on 3. January, if transport Quebec's traffic camera snapped several images of an owl flight. The photos of the majestic animal pre-flight were directly from the highway 40 in Montreal.
Quebec Transport Minister Robert Poëti chirping of the pictures today:
Magnifique harfang des neiges capté par les caméras de surveillance du réseau routier sur l'A-40 dans l'ouest de MTL
the label in English, with friendly permission of Google Translate:
"beautiful snow-owl will be picked up by the road network surveillance cameras on the A-40 in western MTL."
Barbara Free, head of the McGill Bird Observatory, spoke with the CBC about what they thought was a young woman SNOWY OWL. "I believe that they are tight especially on the motorway, because it is open, grassy area is perfectly suitable for hunting your favorite prey, small rodents," she said. "You like on a good equipment of the country and the high light masts or other contributions you perch on during the hunting just suits you perfectly."
Snow owls are nomads, and even the scientists who are with you "do not know where to see them go!" The Owl Research Institute wrote. "Be happy if you spot but because these owls tend to inhabit the places where people live."
source: mentalfloss